Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy 30th Bday Joni!

I can't believe I am already 30! Wow time flies. For my birthday we went out to dinner with our really good friends -Matt and Trisha Manwaring. Matt's birthday is in June so we celebrated both our birthdays. We have met such wonderful people here. Matt and Trisha go to our church and are in our same ward. When we moved in Matt was Elder's Quorum Pres. and called BJ to be the 2nd counselor. (Months later BJ was called to be Elder's Quorum Pres. and Matt was called into a stake calling). We have really enjoyed spending time with them and Drake loves their two children - Claire and Noah. Trisha and I enjoy taking the kids to different parks and community events together.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Drake loves the water! He is a makes his mommy proud! He loves to splash and jump in the water, blow bubbles and even put his head all the way under.
Drake and I took a mom and tot swimming class. I really enjoyed swimming with him. He was the youngest in the class and the instructors were amazed at what he would do. The water was really cold so I was surprised at how well he did. Some days I wasn't sure if I wanted to get in! It took about 20 minutes to get home from swimming and I didn't want Drake to fall asleep in the car and not take a nap when we got home. I fixed him a lunch to eat on the way home and he loved it! He loved to get in the warm shower after the cold pool and change into his clothes and eat his special lunch in the car. It worked....he didn't fall asleep until after we got home!

I love this picture of Drake. His cute smiling face after swimming lessons. He is waiting to get into the warm shower and eat his lunch in the car. What a sweet boy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yep....he's still got it!

Yep....he's still got it! He can fit a whole golf ball in his mouth! He tried this first when he was really little. It shocked me at first to see the whole ball in his mouth and I ran over to him to see if he was ok. It didn't do any damage except that he needed my help prying it out of his mouth. I didn't stop him b/c he couldn't swallow it and he loved to carry it in his mouth when he crawled around. When Drake was crawling, his mouth was a third hand. He would carry everything in his mouth so that he could crawl with both his hands faster and more efficiently. When Drake grew teeth it became a little more difficult for him to put the whole ball in his mouth...but he still figured it out!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Visit from Grandpa Stanley

Grandpa Stanley gave Drake an Elmo outfit that Grandma bought him. He was really excited to wear it! Drake loved having Grandpa visit us.
We took grandpa to the park that we take walks at to show him the big catfish and the little ducklings. Drake likes to put cheerios in the water to make the big catfish come to the top so we can see them.
Of course....grandpa had to try out the new lawn mower also. Thanks for visiting us grandpa! We love you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Golf Tournament in Columbus

The cool golfers! We were so excited to see Tiger Woods play in this tournament. BJ's dad was supposed to go with BJ but things didn't work out so Drake and I went. Word to the wise....don't take small children to famous golf tournaments. Drake didn't quite understand the "rules of golf." We ended up trading off with Drake to keep him as far away from the golfers as possible. It didn't help that it was really hot outside. It was a great experience though and really fun to see the golfers in person. We got to say hi to Tiger - he didn't want to talk to us though...he had his game face on! ...or maybe he was just upset for all the dumb things he was doing to ruin his family?!
Tiger putting the ball.

Fun day! We are all a little tired though. Note: Drake is wearing his cute golf outfit...I love it!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Drake... a.k.a. "the squeaks!" What a character he is! BJ has called him "the squeaks" ever since he was just a few weeks old. We knew when he was awake b/c instead of crying he used to, eh, eh! I told Drake to smile big for the camera...and this is what he came up with.


Drake was so patient. BJ was excited to give him a "buzz" for the summer.
He wasn't quite sure about wearing the big cape...but he kept it on pretty well for us.